“Room on the BROOM” – #BlogchatterA2Z

“Room on the Broom”

Whenever I’m looking to buy a new picture book for Shaarav, I most often than not find myself gravitating towards Julia Donaldson because I know for the fact that one can never go wrong with a book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The book “Room on the Broom” is yet another gem by Julia Donaldson with an utterly delightful rhyming story about a witch who has an eventful journey on her broomstick. It’s a masterpiece from both narrative and illustrative perspectives. The book captures the typical Julia Donaldson’s warm and fuzzy repetitive text and Axel Scheffler’s immensely appealing and utterly mesmerizing illustrations which has every bit of whimsy what the sweet little story demands. And for these reasons, admittedly, “Room on the Broom” has no doubt become one of Shaarav’s favourite books to which he likes to return to again and again.

Room on the Broom

What’s the story?

“Room on the Broom” is a spellbinding story about the windy adventure of a grotesque-looking but delightful and kind witch who was flying merrily on her broomstick with her cat. But along the way she meets with several misfortunes of losing her belongings due to the gusty wind. However, she gets back all her belongings with the help of various animals whom she meets in the process of finding her stuff. The good kind-hearted witch continues to befriend and give them room on her broom for exchange of her lost items until disaster strikes and the broomstick snaps into two mid-air due to overload. While the other passengers fall into the bog, the witch is encountered by a terrifying hungry red dragon who threatens to eat her for a snack. But, fortunately for the friendly good witch, her new friends come to her rescue and frighten away the dragon. Feeling happy and grateful she casts the spell “Iggety, Ziggety, Zaggety, Zoom” to make a “Truly Magnificent Broom” which has both style and comfort for all its riders.

What did we like about it?

You can never be disappointed with this legendary author-illustrator duo Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler and I’m sure “Room and the Broom” too will definitely appeal to you and your child alike. This sweet little story of a kind and caring witch with repetitive elements, rhythmic and lyrical text and beautiful illustrations makes for an excellent read-aloud story. The book offers lovable characters and wonderful rhymes giving room for different expressions and voices making it a fun and enchanting read for children who will fall in love with the story almost instantly. The outstanding illustrations are also very appealing and eye catching. Altogether this a book perfectly fits for both oral and visual senses making it a fantastic and engaging read.

Shaarav loves its animated version that’s there on Amazon Prime Video. The video version of “Room on the Broom” is a real hit with Shaarav and he has likes to watch it over and over again. Though the story in the video is slightly different from the book version, it outshines the book a bit with its music and a higher sensory appeal.

Book Details

Written by: Julia Donaldson

Illustrated by: Axel Scheffler

Published by: Macmillan Children’s Books

Genre: Fiction Picture Book

Book Type: Board book (Paperback, Hardcover, Audio CD and Audiobook also available)

Recommended Age: 0 to 5

Number of pages: 24

Ratings: 10/10

What’s there for the child to learn?

Besides a sweetly lyrical story with addictively rollicking rhymes and outstanding illustrations, “Room on the Broom” also displays a great message about kindness and friendship. Shaarav learned the importance of friendship and also that if you show kindness to others you shall too receive it in return at some point. It also teaches the values of loyalty and sharing.

As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities. For the activities we decided to make a wand and a broomstick. We made the wand by cutting stars out of a chart paper and sticking it on a stick whereas for making the broomstick we went to the garden to collect twigs and sticks.

Witch’s Wand
Witch’s Broomstick and Wand
Shaarav’s colouring sheet

Later we also did some spot the differences, join the dots, make a mask and colour the pictures too. I’m sharing some of the printable that we collected here while age appropriate other activities can also be downloaded from roomonthebroom.com and gruffalo.com.

How to make a wand
How to make a broomstick
Spot the difference
Cat mask
Dog mask
Colouring activity

Our amazing find was a video of “Room on the Broom” on YouTube which Shaarav found very interesting. Altogether we had a fun time together and Shaarav really had a blast acting out the witch posing to fly on the broomstick that we made and muttering spells on everyone at home with the wand that we prepared. This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet C tomorrow and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet A from yesterday too for another great review and book related activities.


Mrs. Sunshine

If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!

Views: 18

“Little ACORN” – #BlogchatterA2Z

“Little Acorn”

This book “Little Acorn” caught my eye with its cute and lively illustrations and I bought it on a whim. And just as the same way it caught Shaarav’s attention the moment he saw it. But “Little Acorn” has much more to offer to young kids and parents alike besides its beautiful and absolutely adorable illustrations. Little Acorn has become like this “cute friend” for little Shaarav who has come to adore this fun and cute acorn.

Little Acorn

What’s the story?

It’s a cute story about a little acorn which grows to become a beautiful oak tree and goes on to give its own seeds (acorns). The story begins with a little acorn who goes unnoticed stuck high up on a tree while he watches the world below go all hustle and bustle. While it just cozily sits up there growing all fat and shiny protected from harsh weather when slowly as the weather changes to autumn and the leaves begin to turn golden brown it excitedly jumps on the ground along with the leaves blowing in the wind.

A squirrel which was busy storing nuts for the winter finds it and hides it in the forest ground where it waits patiently until one day it has a peculiar feeling and begins to feel all tickly. And suddenly he sprouts little roots. It feels so ticklish that it stretches left and right and to its utter amazement it stretches so much that it reaches above the ground into the light. As seasons change pass by, nourished by sunlight and rain little acorn also changes and grows into a full-grown tree stretching its branches and spreading its roots.

It becomes a very fine tree and in its full glory it feels proud and happy to house many feathered guests, spiders, beetles and squirrels. Until…one day it makes its own acorns. Check out our IGTV video on Instagram for our storytelling session.

What did we like about it?

With its adorably cute illustrations and a fun story about the life-cycle of a tree, it didn’t take much time to become Shaarav’s favourite. With sufficient fun action and catchy action words and perfectly rhyming text “Little Acorn” never fails to capture my son’s attention. We love to go “Wheeeeee” and then fall on the ground with a “thump” and then wiggle and stretch left and then right just like little acorn. Apart from the fun things about the book if you’re thinking of introducing life-cycle of a tree to your kid, “Little Acorn” is just the perfect book for it and that too in a fun way. So, we also like its sweet story that is educational too. And in addition, it also strengthens a child’s vocabulary by introducing new words and a lots of animals too. We have its board book version which sits well with a playful Shaarav who like to sometimes sleep with his books too.

Book Details

Written by: Melanie Joyce

Illustrated by: Gina Maldonado

Designed by: Lee Italiano

Edited by: Emily Bruce

Published by: Autumn Publishing (Igloo Books)

Genre: Nature Picture Book

Book Type: Board book (Paperback and Hardcover also available)

Recommended Age: 0 to 5

Number of pages: 24

Ratings: 10/10

What’s there for the child to learn?

The story of the “Little Acorn” sets a stage to talk about the life-cycle of an oak tree or plants and trees in general, different parts of a plant or tree and also about different seasons. As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and learn about the life-cycle of a tree as well as different parts of a plant. For building a resource and for the purpose of explaining it vividly to Shaarav, I drew the pictures myself (which can be downloaded and printed for free).

Life-cycle of a tree (an oak tree)
Acorn or Seed
Acorn seed germinating and forming a sprout
Acorn seed growing to become a seedling
Acorn seed growing from a seedling to become a sapling
Acorn seed developing into a full-grown oak tree
Parts of a plant

The ultimate result of the whole process was a great bonding time with my son at the same time learning things in a fun and creative way. This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet B tomorrow to see how we are #BondingOverBooks and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here.


Mrs. Sunshine

If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!


BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2020 – Theme Reveal

“Bonding Over Books” is my theme for BlogchatterA2Z 2020

Hello Readers!

Do you remember the blogging madness in April last year? Yes, I’m talking about the month where I wrote 26 blog posts in 26 days. The same crazy BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge is here with yet another season of its blogging madness.

BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge

If you are still wondering what BlogchatterA2Z challenge is, let me tell you it is an exciting and thrilling, action-and-drama-packed, month-long blogging challenge where the participant needs to put up 26 posts with 26 alphabets in 26 days (Sundays being a holiday). The posts can be a part of a theme or individual posts depending on the participant’s choice.

So, with that being said I have chosen to stick to a theme for myself just like last year to give a feel, connect and solidarity to my posts, something that my readers can look forward to reading each day throughout the month. And now, it’s time for the Theme Reveal and I can already sense the adrenaline gushing in me, that’s the kind of excitement BlogchatterA2Z challenge entails and is raved about. Excited much?

Theme Reveal

As part of the BlogchatterA2Z challenge last year I rededicated my marriage by renewing our marriage vows by taking not 7, but 26 vows through alphabets A to Z with #MarriageRededicated.

This year we all know how we all doing our part to be safe, healthy, busy and sane during this period of the countrywide lock-down due to the pandemic spread of COVID-19. The most difficult part of this whole situation for me is to keep my 3-year-old engaged, entertained and at the same time aid in learning.  I have been planning and designing activities for my son to keep his screen time to minimum as much as possible. So, I decided to take this to my advantage integrating the activities I do with my son with a story telling session along with its review. Exciting, right?

With this season of #BlogchatterA2Z, I shall be sharing 26 book reviews from 26 alphabets spread across 26 posts with the theme Bonding Over Books”.

Why this theme?

As you all know after joining work, I had been feeling really guilty for not being able to make sufficient time for Shaarav. I have always been keen on raising a reader and to foster in him the love for books. And I have watched how reading transports him to fantastic places and introduces him to new ideas simultaneously expanding his vocabulary. But, somehow, as I got more busy juggling family and work, the books that we used to read and the stuff that we used to do every day had started to dwindle and was restricted just to Sundays. Fortunately, this unfortunate COVID-19 situation and the current lockdown has bestowed me with the privilege to make up for the lost time and bonding with my son.

Last year I celebrated my bond with Mr. Husband, this year I wish to celebrate my bond with Mr. Baby. So, with these 26 posts you can expect 26 book reviews with each alphabet and book related activities. I hope to make the best of this lock-down period and also that some of you could also borrow our ideas to keep your children engaged and entertained. Keep watching this space starting 1st of April’ 2020 as Shaarav and I strengthen our relationship and forge an everlasting bond by #BondingOverBooks.


Mrs. Sunshine


Views: 270

BlogchatterA2Z Challenge – Reflection Post

BlogchatterA2Z Challenge – Reflection Post

Hello Readers!

April was a crazy month with BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge. I successfully completed 26 posts in a single month and here’s my reflection post about the whole experience. It was hectic, it was tiring but at the same time, it was accomplishing and fulfilling. Many times during the journey I felt like giving up and quitting the challenge midway it was so daunting but I kept myself motivated and was determined to complete it.

It all started with the theme reveal. Since it was my first time and I had been waiting to take part in the challenge I was very both excited and nervous at the same time. I wanted my theme to be unique and suddenly it popped in my mind like a thinking bulb and nothing could have been better than this. So my theme to the challenge was Marriage Rededicated. Isn’t it unique and exciting? You can read all about it here.

The challenge was real. The struggle was real. But so was the learning and excitement. I got to discover and test my own limits, creativity and writing skills. I got to push my limits and discipline myself to write under pressure. I got to know and connect with so many amazing bloggers and read their brilliant pieces all in one place. And more than anything I could get consistent visits on my blog.

So, with this reflection post, I take the opportunity to thank the whole Blogchatter Team for this wonderfully awesome experience. I’m happy that I jumped on the boat not fully knowing what I had gotten myself into. I’m glad I could survive through the challenge and emerge victoriously. In this month I plan to read and engage in as many posts I can and I’m looking forward to participating in the challenge again the next year. You can find all my post from the challenge under #MarriageRededicated.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 284

“I promise to be ZEALOUS” – #BlogchatterA2Z 

Z is for ZEALOUS

“I promise to be ZEALOUS maintaining the same zest, enthusiasm and a sense of wonder, and never grow weary of each other.”

With this vow, we promise to always be willing to be investing the same amount of zeal, energy, and enthusiasm in our relationship with which we started out in the first place.

What does the vow mean?

Being zealous means showing active interest and enthusiasm in something. When you are being zealous it means you are ardently desirous of that thing to invest your time and wholeheartedly dive into it.

Why do we need to be ZEALOUS for a lasting and joyful marriage?

Being zealous is an attribute which though holds a very important place in a relationship it is the one that most relationship lacks. As we begin to get more comfortable in our relationship we tend to lose the fervour with which we once began the relationship. But it is up to us to maintain the same enthusiasm and ardour to keep the marriage thriving and happy.

So, when I say that “I promise to be zealous” it means that we are willing to go to any lengths keep the spark alive with the same passion, sense of wonder and eagerness with which we once started out.

Marriage requires us to be present for each other and actively interested. What’s a marriage when we’re not present for our spouse or seem disinterested in each other? Nobody wants a relationship that’s just for namesake. Marriage requires partners to be actively involved in each other’s biggest as well as the smallest joys and sorrows equally.

So, when I say that “I promise to be zealous” it also means that we are willing to keep the zing in the relationship alive and keep upping the oomph factor and continue to be desirous to each other.

With this, we come to an eventful month of blogging. You can find the opening post to the vows “What marriage means to me?” here and the previous vow with alphabet Y here.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 402

“I promise to be YIELDING” – #BlogchatterA2Z 


“I promise to be YIELDING and willing to save the relationship instead of trying to win an argument.”

With this vow, we promise to always be willing to be submissive and allowing to be influenced by each other and give in to an argument rather than hurting the other in trying to win in a particular situation.

What does the vow mean?

A dictionary defines yielding as tending to give in, surrender or agree. People look upon yielding as a weakness when in fact in marriage it is the most courageous and powerful attribute. When you are willing to yield it means you care enough for the person and not the situation. The person matters more than the situation and therefore we find it more convenient to lose when winning can mean losing the person and the relationship.

Why do we need to be YIELDING for a joyful and lasting marriage?

Yielding in disagreements in marriage can really be transforming if you aim for a happy and peaceful marriage. Whether you’ve had an arranged marriage or a love marriage willingness to be yielding is one of the most important attribute in marriage. And since we have had an arranged marriage and we are still in the process of knowing each other better to be yielding becomes all the more important.

Coming from different backgrounds and having different sets of beliefs, faiths, ideas and opinions are bound to attract disagreements and conflicts. And our marriage, too, isn’t conflict-proof. No matter how happy we are or how strong our marriage is disagreements is too commonplace in our marriage too. And we are not of the belief as “don’t go to sleep angry”. In fact, we are a more of “sleep-it-off” couple.

When we have a conflict we can either choose to allow it to build up and get heated up or we can choose to step back and approach at the situation with a fresh perspective. By being stubborn we only build walls around us allowing us to wound us more deeply and to grow resentment. So, someone has to be yielding and being yielding doesn’t raise questions about our equality or make us any less important and valued than the other.

So, when I say “I promise to be yielding” it means that in an event of an impasse between us we are willing to reinvigorate by stepping back and returning back to the situation with a fresh perspective rather than nurse our own inflicted woundedness.

A divorce is never an option for us. We had decided very early on that we’ll make this work whatever it takes. Why? Because, there hasn’t been a single case of divorce in our community and we definitely don’t want to be the first. That’s motivation enough for us and more than anything we are in the marriage for everything forever and we are very clear about that.

So, when I say “I promise to be yielding” it also means that rather than making our marriage a power struggle we are willing to resist our urge to “win” arguments and disagreements, and manage our conflicts in a way that we both walk out of it feeling heard, respected and valued. Because, sometimes we need to lose if we want to win.

Keep watching the space for the next vow with alphabet Z. You can find the opening post to the vows “What marriage means to me?” here and the previous vow with alphabet X here.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 376

“I promise XCITEMENT” – #BlogchatterA2Z 


“I promise XCITEMENT and thrill in our relationship to add the spark and turn our ordinary lives into extraordinary.”

With this vow, we promise to always keep the spark ignited and strive towards never having a dull moment in the relationship.

What does the vow mean?

Xcitement is defined as the feeling of being lively and cheerful from joy. Xcitement is a feeling or situation full of activity, joy, exhilaration, or upheaval. If you are full of Xcitement, it means you are showing a heightened state of energy, enthusiasm, eagerness, etc.

Why should there be XCITEMENT for a happy and happening marriage?

A happy marriage is not something that you find, but it is something that you create and keep creating it. And Xcitement, indeed, is the essence of healthy and happening marriage which helps to never let those tingles fadeaway that was there during the newness of the relationship.

Between Mr. Husband and me, Mr. Husband is the tamed one while I am the wild one. So in our marriage, it is up to me to add the excitement. The secret to our marriage not falling into a rut despite its long-term is not because we do different things; it’s because we do the same things differently. And one reason for bringing Shaarav to our lives is definitely for the excitement. And now there’s never a dull moment in our lives (not that there ever was).

So, when I say “I promise Xcitement” it means we are willing to put efforts it needs to keep the relationship lively and delightful.

We keep painting and repainting our love with shades of our favourite colours to avoid boredom and keep it lively. We keep rediscovering in each other the person who made us fall madly in love, who drove us crazy in lust, who made us laugh out loud at some silly joke and who made annoyed the hell out of us.

So, when I say “I promise Xcitement” it also means that amongst all those infinite nitty-gritty and mundane moments of daily life we are willing to strive to achieve some extraordinarily stellar moments of novelty adding a sense of fulfilment and gratification.

Keep watching the space for the next vow with alphabet Y. You can find the opening post to the vows “What marriage means to me?” here and the previous vow with alphabet W here.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 347

“I promise to WITNESS” – #BlogchatterA2Z

W is for WITNESS

“I promise to WITNESS and care about everything that happens in your life and that your life wouldn’t go unnoticed.”

With this vow, we promise to always be witnesses to each other’s lives caring about the smallest things that happen in our lives including the good things and bad things alike.

What does the vow mean?

A dictionary defines witness as to perceive or be contemporaneous with something or someone. The literal meaning of to witness means to notice and observe closely but in a relationship or in a marriage it means to care enough to be a source of both strength and solace to each other by way of acknowledging each other’s existence.

This vow is inspired by the movie “Shall We Dance” and if you have watched the movie you might actually know what I am talking about.

Why do we need to bear a WITNESS for a long-lasting and happy marriage?

Marriage is all about companionship and we all need a witness to our lives to notice us and make us feel cared for. We want someone to be a part of our life experiences, to share and have a life together and to see us live. And marriage is that institution where we become witnesses to each other through everything – the good and the bad, the big and the small, the happening and the mundane – everything. I mean who else apart from spouses would be interested in knowing the minutia of your daily life like what you had for lunch or how many hours you slept or why are you having a headache or when was the last movie you watched.

So, when I say “I promise to witness” it means we are willing to pledge each other to not let their lives go unnoticed because we’ll be each other’s witnesses. It means that we are willing to be present for each other through it all – the joy and the pain, the opportunities and the hard luck, and the surprises and the shocks. And not just because we will nevertheless be special and amazing to each other but also because we shall be at a loss to let our wonderful lives go unnoticed and un-witnessed.

Promising to witness is a way of showing that you’ll never be alone since you matter to me and so do your life and your experiences. It is a way of telling that I see you through your journey.

So, when I say “I promise to witness” it also means that we are not only willing to lovingly give our attention to each other and compassionately observe how our lives unfold through the fullness of our life experiences, but we are also giving each other the freedom to be known and acknowledged.

Keep watching the space for the next vow with alphabet X. You can find the opening post to the vows “What marriage means to me?” here and the previous vow with alphabet V here.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 298

“I promise to be VULNERABLE” – #BlogchatterA2Z 


“I promise to be VULNERABLE revealing my innermost to you and be my authentic self without the fear of being hurt or rejected.”

With this vow, we promise to always be true to ourselves and each other showing and sharing our true self without pretentions and fear of being judged or hurt.

What does the vow mean?

Vulnerability is defined as the ability to open up and be exposed to being hurt or rejected. But vulnerability is required to reach the true affection that a relationship and marriage requires.

Why do we need to be VULNERABLE for a happy and satisfying marriage?

Mr. Husband and I, both are very down-to-earth people and that’s one thing that drew us to each other and that’s the one thing that has kept us look and feel attracted to one another even after 6 and half years of marriage and a two-year-old toddler. Being vulnerable has helped us remain authentic to each other and voice our thoughts and opinions even if they are not popular. So, when I say “I promise to be vulnerable” I mean we are willing to allow knowing each other fully – our visions, our thoughts, secrets, weaknesses, apprehensions, etc. without the fear of being judged and criticized.

Being vulnerable can seem scary and terrifying because some may perceive it for being submissive or weak. But it’s actually not. But opposing to the popular belief, it actually entails the strength and courage to be yourself without being pretentious even if there’s a risk of being hurt. So, when I say “I promise to be vulnerable” it means we are willing to be courageous enough to show our authentic selves despite the risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure.

Keep watching the space for the next vow with alphabet W. You can find the opening post to the vows “What marriage means to me?” here and the previous vow with alphabet U here.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 444

“I promise to be UNITED” – #BlogchatterA2Z 

U is for UNITED

“I promise to be UNITED and work together as a team for a common goal and create a united front regardless of differences.”

With this vow, we promise to always keep a united front and work in unison towards a shared goal irrespective of our disagreements and divergence of opinions.

What does the vow mean?

A dictionary defines united as something that is characterized by undivided or unbroken completeness and is joined into a single entity. Being united means that

Why do we need to be UNITED for sustaining a happy marriage?

When we enter in a marriage we are not only united by faiths and bodies but we are also united by souls and thoughts. In a marriage, one plus one always equals one. Mr. Husband and I got into the holy matrimony knowing this very well. And long before we knew it the “me” in our relationship had transcended into “us” and “we”.  And over the years we have not just been united in the flesh but we have also experienced oneness in feelings, emotions, thoughts, and purpose.

Unity has manifested itself in multiple instances throughout our marriage and has brought us even closer to each other through times where the return seemed impossible. When my mother passed away I was extremely shattered and though Mr. Husband had known her just for a few years, he shared the same grief and pain. Unity has made us grow.

So, when I say “I promise to be united” I mean we are willing to add that anchor and fuel in our relationship which steadies it and helps in its sustenance for a long haul.

People often enter into wedlock with a distorted view of being united. Being united doesn’t ask us to lose our uniqueness and identities or change our opinions about anything and everything. Being united means we must be on the same page about what really matters and have a united front on bigger things.

So, when I say “I promise to be united” also means that we are willing to be united for a shared purpose simultaneously maintaining our separate purposes and individual uniqueness and still experience maximum freedom within the boundaries of marriage.

Marriage is about sharing and utilizing each other’s gifts, minds, talents, and spirits for achieving the greatness which couldn’t be achieved alone along with maintaining our personal space. With this belief, we are getting stronger in our marital life each passing day.

Keep watching the space for the next vow with alphabet V. You can find the opening post to the vows “What marriage means to me?” here and the previous vow with alphabet T here.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 226