Motherhood fills your days and night with magical moments of utter bliss, leaving you feeling astounded and thinking how did you ever lived so ignorant and missed the eyes for the beauty of life’s little big moments – so precious, so lovely!
For me bliss is:
That moment when the first time my baby boy was brought to me and I couldn’t help crying and smiling at the same time looking at his cute little angelic face.
That moment when he held on to my finger almost like we had known each other since long before we first-in-person met as if we had known each other for time immemorial. I knew instantly there was no other place I’d rather be.
That incredibly dreamy moment when he latched right on, and suckled happily without any hesitation whatsoever and kept snuggling into me as if he too had completely accepted me just as I had accepted him.
That defining moment when I was both exhilarated and overwhelmed with my new-found motherly feeling that I never knew existed within me.
Those moments of sheer delight when he used to go all berserk during the feeding sessions just looking at the breasts.
That hilarious instance, when Mr. Husband became the perfect victim of one of his poop explosions and was covered all over poop. Poor soul!
That moment when I first watched his elusive smile and totally got lost in it.
All those moments when I would smile brighter because he did.
All those times when I went gaga over his cuteness and just couldn’t take my eyes off him.
That first time when he began cooing and making all sorts of gurgling noises and how enchanting it was to hear that sweet sound.
Those times when he would spend hours together just watching and studying his newly-discovered hands and tiny fingers.
That moment when I witnessed his first laughter while he unknowingly played with his own reflection in the mirror.
Those precious moments when Mr. Husband looks at him like he put the stars in the sky.
Those moments when he kept amazing us each day by adding new sounds to his repertoire.
Those moments when he generously gave away his goggling beaming smiles on seeing someone he recognized.
That moment when he learned to blow bubbles by putting his tongue between his lips and kept practicing it tirelessly.
That moment when he gave the most triumphant of smiles as he figured out how to roll after umpteen failed attempts at it.
Those moments when I would be content just to watch him sleep peacefully and swell feeling proud of the magic I have created.
That first time when he learned to crawl after all the countless wiggling and bum-shuffling sequences.
That look of determination and a will so strong which I could see in his eyes the first time he stood with support and without it.
The first time he said “Papa” and I was filled with mixed emotions of happiness and jealousy all at the same time.
The unfathomable love and pride I felt hearing the first time he said “Mummy”. I’m sure my heart skipped a beat.
The first time he took his baby steps all by himself and I could watch my heart walking out of my body.
The way his face lights up to see me after a short time when I’m away and the look that he has as if saying, “Where were you all this time, I missed you so much,” and come running up to me to give me the biggest bear hug.
The mischievous look in his eyes when he is up to doing the thing which I asked him not to do a 100th time.
The innocence of him waking in the middle of the night searching for me and keep snuggling closer to me.
The look of wisdom in his eyes that is still unsullied by the world.
Having him look at me at my ugly best and still feel I’m the most beautiful woman in the whole universe.
Watching both my boys play together, whispering god knows what into each other’s ears and giggling away merrily.
Gazing at him in amazement and getting those fleeting glimpses of what an incredible human being he will become.
Those moments of tickling him playfully until he can hardly breathe from laughing so hard.
The moments when he looks at me for approval while he is up to something mischievous.
The way I love him, insanely, just almost irrationally, without any reservation.
Watching him soundly asleep at night in some weird position in a tumble of bedding and messy hair.
The relentless smiles that he gives away when we lock looks and exchange glances.
“If this isn’t bliss, then I’m not sure what is!”
It is those moments that exude pure love, transcending any other kind I’ve ever known, that I so wish I could turn into gems, freeze them in time and keep them for eternity. I’m looking forward to more of such uncounted moments together to have and to cherish – that only motherhood is capable of giving!
Mrs. Sunshine
Views: 423
You are a brilliant writer…. loved every word.?
Thank you loads! That’s very kind of you. I’m glad that you liked it. Keep watching the space for more stuff!
Well written!! Keep going.. ?
Thank you so much! Such words keep me motivated!
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