This book “Little Acorn” caught my eye with its cute and lively illustrations and I bought it on a whim. And just as the same way it caught Shaarav’s attention the moment he saw it. But “Little Acorn” has much more to offer to young kids and parents alike besides its beautiful and absolutely adorable illustrations. Little Acorn has become like this “cute friend” for little Shaarav who has come to adore this fun and cute acorn.
Little Acorn
What’s the story?
It’s a cute story about a little acorn which grows to become a beautiful oak tree and goes on to give its own seeds (acorns). The story begins with a little acorn who goes unnoticed stuck high up on a tree while he watches the world below go all hustle and bustle. While it just cozily sits up there growing all fat and shiny protected from harsh weather when slowly as the weather changes to autumn and the leaves begin to turn golden brown it excitedly jumps on the ground along with the leaves blowing in the wind.
A squirrel which was busy storing nuts for the winter finds it and hides it in the forest ground where it waits patiently until one day it has a peculiar feeling and begins to feel all tickly. And suddenly he sprouts little roots. It feels so ticklish that it stretches left and right and to its utter amazement it stretches so much that it reaches above the ground into the light. As seasons change pass by, nourished by sunlight and rain little acorn also changes and grows into a full-grown tree stretching its branches and spreading its roots.
It becomes a very fine tree and in its full glory it feels proud and happy to house many feathered guests, spiders, beetles and squirrels. Until…one day it makes its own acorns. Check out our IGTV video on Instagram for our storytelling session.
What did we like about it?
With its adorably cute illustrations and a fun story about the life-cycle of a tree, it didn’t take much time to become Shaarav’s favourite. With sufficient fun action and catchy action words and perfectly rhyming text “Little Acorn” never fails to capture my son’s attention. We love to go “Wheeeeee” and then fall on the ground with a “thump” and then wiggle and stretch left and then right just like little acorn. Apart from the fun things about the book if you’re thinking of introducing life-cycle of a tree to your kid, “Little Acorn” is just the perfect book for it and that too in a fun way. So, we also like its sweet story that is educational too. And in addition, it also strengthens a child’s vocabulary by introducing new words and a lots of animals too. We have its board book version which sits well with a playful Shaarav who like to sometimes sleep with his books too.
Book Details
Written by: Melanie Joyce
Illustrated by: Gina Maldonado
Designed by: Lee Italiano
Edited by: Emily Bruce
Published by: Autumn Publishing (Igloo Books)
Genre: Nature Picture Book
Book Type: Board book (Paperback and Hardcover also available)
Recommended Age: 0 to 5
Number of pages: 24
Ratings: 10/10
What’s there for the child to learn?
The story of the “Little Acorn” sets a stage to talk about the life-cycle of an oak tree or plants and trees in general, different parts of a plant or tree and also about different seasons. As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and learn about the life-cycle of a tree as well as different parts of a plant. For building a resource and for the purpose of explaining it vividly to Shaarav, I drew the pictures myself (which can be downloaded and printed for free).

The ultimate result of the whole process was a great bonding time with my son at the same time learning things in a fun and creative way. This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet B tomorrow to see how we are #BondingOverBooks and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!
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