BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019 – Theme Reveal

“Marriage Rededicated” is my theme for BlogchatterA2Z

Hello Readers!

March was fun with three posts in a week on Women’s Day. But April is going to be extra fun. I’m excited to share that my one-year wait has finally come to an end and I’m finally participating in the crazy BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge.

Why crazy?

Because I need to post 26 posts in a single month. Can you imagine the madness? I posted a total of 30 posts in the last year that I have been blogging, and now I need to post a similar number in just a month. Whaaatttt??? That’s crazy, right? But you know what, I’m crazier, and I’m determined to complete the challenge whatever it takes.

BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge

If you are wondering what BlogchatterA2Z challenge is, let me tell you it is an exciting and thrilling, action-and-drama-packed, month-long blogging challenge where the participant needs to put up 26 posts with 26 alphabets in 26 days (Sundays being a holiday). The posts can be a part of a theme or individual posts depending on the participant’s choice.

So, with that being said I have chosen to stick to a theme for myself to give a feel, connect and solidarity to my posts, something that my readers can look forward to reading each day throughout the month. And now, it’s time for the “Theme Reveal” and I can already sense the adrenaline gushing in me, that’s the kind of excitement BlogchatterA2Z challenge entails and is raved about. Excited much?

Theme Reveal

The theme that I have chosen for the challenge is Marriage Rededicated. Yes, that’s the theme I choose for the challenge. Having been known each other for 6 years of marriage plus 6 months of courtship we have started to take each other for granted. With Shaarav in our lives, we hardly take time to appreciate each other. We both take very highly of our marriage and we just want to appreciate, cherish and invest in it a little more than we already do. We wish to give our marriage an extra shine with a little extra polish. And to add that extra shine, I suggested it’s time we renewed our marriage vows, but with a slight twist. Also, I did not want to wait for a landmark anniversary or veritable lifetime to pass before I did this. It’s time we celebrated our marriage and reaffirmed our commitment towards the person we would like to spend an eternity with. So, join me as we renew our marriage vows by taking not 7, but 26 vows through alphabets A to Z with #MarriageRededicated. Exciting, right?

With these 26 vows from 26 alphabets spread across 26 posts through BlogchatterA2Z, I wish to redefine our marriage. With this challenge, I should also be able to set new relationship goals for us and also add a little extra shine to our already shining marriage. This April should be special as I celebrate and cherish our marriage with a new vow each day. Keep watching this space starting 1st of April’ 2019 as I rededicate my marriage vows, or even better you too could with me.


Mrs. Sunshine

Views: 482

4 thoughts on “BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019 – Theme Reveal

  1. Pingback: What marriage means to me? – Cloud and Sunshine

    1. Yeah, who wouldn’t? Would you believe I just wrote 30 posts last year and going to write a similar no. of posts in just a month? It’s crazy. But Sundays are holidays for resting in between writing. So it makes up for the hard work. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Pingback: #MyFriendAlexa – Theme Reveal – Cloud and Sunshine

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