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Tales of Our Rendezvous with Life and Parenthood
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“Fox’s Socks” is a part of four-book-series by Julia Donaldson called Tales from Acorn Wood. The other three include Hide-and-Seek-Pig, Postman Bear and Rabbit’s Nap. These might not be one of the most famous of her creations but they are equally delightful among little leaders. These books make the perfect first introduction for early readers who are just introduced to reading.
“Fox’s Socks” is a delightful and interactive short story of a poor old fox who has lost his socks which he tries to find them in different places but finds all sorts of other things except for the socks. The mouse helps him find the socks in the most unusual places. The cute rhyming story that has been narrated with sturdy flaps on each spread featuring cute Axel Scheffler style illustrations is a treat to read aloud.
The animal story in “Fox’s Socks” is a joy to read aloud and with lift-the-flap surprises on every spread this engaging board book is sure to delight parents and toddlers alike. With rhyming text, a colourful cast of animal characters “Fox’s Socks” features flaps that the very youngest of readers can lift to participate in the story. It also means endless fun for your little reader keeping them engaged and interested. And with gorgeous illustrations by Axel Scheffler, these books are definitely going to prove a great addition to your collection.
The book is fantastic for capturing the attention of toddlers as early as one year of age. With the rhyming text which is the hallmark of Julia Donaldson style of writing these books provide utter joy to read aloud. And the minimal text for the young readers with just the right length of the story in rhyming text and fabulous illustrations with flaps make these books are super interactive and fun igniting the imagination in little minds.
We bought the board book version which really feels well built for little hands. And with sturdy flaps on each spread, they are made to last not just through the test of time but also through the rough usage of a toddler. And we mostly love the 2015 edition for their hardbound and beautifully foiled cover look which is not present in 2011 edition.
Written by: Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by: Axel Scheffler
Published by: Macmillan Children’s Books
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 3 to 5
Number of pages: 12
Ratings: 10/10
The storybook doesn’t itself has a lesson to teach to the kids. It is to be read just for the joy of reading and the joy of discovering something with each flap. “Fox’s Socks” is keepsake along with the other three books in series.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and make a fox mask which was really fun, interactive and engaging.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet Y next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet W for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
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“The Snail and the Whale” is another wonderful story of friendship by Julia Donaldson which is much loved in our household. Ever since Mr. Husband had a talk with Shaarav about whales, this little guy’s fascination for them has only been increasing exponentially. And, the moment he was gifted “The Snail and the Whale” by his aunt, this nautical tale has been a part of our reading sessions every now and then which is immediately followed by the quintessential never-ending discussion on whales.
Julia Donaldson’s incredible creation “The Snail and the Whale” is a cute story of a tiny, brilliant and ambitious snail who longs to see the world. So, it hitches a lift on the tail of a great big, grey-blue humpback whale and sets out on an adventurous journey together through the starlit sea to far-off lands watching wondrous sights. They travel past towering icebergs with penguins, fiery volcanoes, vibrant corals with stripy fishes and hideous sharks. The snail is delighted to gaze at the vast and high sky, but, amazed by the grandness of the wide world she feels utterly small. Then, one day, the whale loses his way and gets beached in a bay with receding tide. But, this tiny snail with her innovative plan takes it upon herself to rescue the whale and save the day.
Just like every other book of theirs, Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler don’t fail to amaze us with yet another of their masterpiece. “The Snail and the Whale” features Julia Donaldson’s distinctive and catchy rhyming style which enthralls young readers with perfectly complimenting Axel Scheffler’s iconic stunningly humorous and detailed illustrations make it a joy to read aloud. We love the board book format of the book, perfect for little hands and withstanding continuous and reckless use. The story is simple yet beautiful and touching which helps expand the child’s vocabulary (though some words might need additional explanation). My little man listens to the story with just as much awe and intent as the very first time making it a must-have addition to every enthusiastic reader’s book collection.
Written by: Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by: Axel Scheffler
Published by: Macmillan Children’s Books
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 3 to 5
Number of pages: 30
Ratings: 10/10
“The Snail and the Whale” is a delightful tale of nautical escapade and tender friendship which gives a warm feeling. The story showcases a lovely friendship between two strikingly different animals teaching the kids the lesson that friendship can come in all shapes and sizes. It also teaches the young readers that even the littlest and seemingly insignificant voices can be as much powerful if conveyed in the right manner and size doesn’t matter if you have a strong will and determination. The book also explores the ideas that the world is a beautiful and wondrous place, even the tiniest of beings can achieve what they want with a strong will because limitations are only in our minds and that certain experiences tend to bring about a change in us as a person.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and watch the animated adaptation of the story telecast on BBC. With charming narration and gorgeous animation the animated adaptation is just so so spectacular to watch and enjoy. If you have enjoyed the story you would definitely love the movie too. We also talked and learned about snails, whales, penguins and sharks, and made our version of the adorably brilliant snail using paper plate, chart papers, paint and glue.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet X next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet V for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle has been an all-time classic children’s story book since decades now and it definitely lives up to its reputation. This is the very first book that we got for Shaarav and I’m sure most of us have had a copy of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” for their kids at some point. Over the years we have enjoyed it immensely and I wouldn’t be exaggerating when I say that Shaarav has grown with it, like literally. By far, it has been the most read book in our household. Also the most splattered on, sat on and slept on book in our collection and is still as beautiful as new and continues to grace our book collection.
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is a brilliant story of a tiny, adorable, hungry caterpillar who eats his way through a week’s worth of lots of different food items on different days to grow big and fat and later turning into a beautiful butterfly. Basically, it’s an enduring story of the life-cycle of a butterfly through an egg, caterpillar, pupa and eventually transitioning into a butterfly. A tiny hungry caterpillar hatches out of a lone egg on a leaf on a moonlit Sunday night. Initially he eats on a variety of different fruits slowly escalating the number through Monday to Friday but still remains hungry. On Saturday he binge eats on junk food and develops a tummy ache which he settles on Sunday after he eats a green leaf. But, he discovers that neither he is hungry anymore nor is he tiny and small. With all that eating he becomes fat and big and nestles himself in a self-made cocoon for two weeks only to come out as a vibrant and beautiful butterfly.
What we love about “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is how the very commonest marvels of Mother Nature has been so beautifully dramatized and weaved into a delightful story that’s sure to enchant your little reader. The graphics and design of this book is just so so spectacular that it instantly catches your little one’s attention. With very bright and sprightly pictures the story illustrates the life-cycle of a caterpillar starting from hatching from an egg to turning into a handsome butterfly. With a simple and easy to follow story-line, the books also suggests early introduction of counting and days of the week, and can be read to little readers as early as 6 months of age.
We loved “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” so much that we went a step further to include the finger puppet book apart from the big board book version. These were the very first books that we added to our library. The finger puppet gives a little extra dramatization and adds life to the storytelling. Both our versions are made in solid board book construction making it reasonably toddler proof which have proven their longevity so far. You can buy the puppet version here. BUY IT HERE!!!
Written by: Eric Carle
Illustrated by: Eric Carle
Published by: Penguin Books Ltd.
Genre: Nonfiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 2 to 5
Number of pages: 24
Ratings: 10/10
Over the years we have grown fond of the Julia Donaldson style of rhythmically rhyming didactic story books. But, the best books still remain the ones which teach the kids without them knowing that they are actually learning. And “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” does just that. It teaches the kids days of the week, colours, numbers, fruits to start with without them being aware of it. But, most importantly, your child can also learn that junk food can give you a stomach ache and you should eat your greens too to keep yourself healthy. Also that you shouldn’t be picky or fussy, eat a variety of food and eat in moderation if you want to grow and become like a beautiful butterfly.
These books have forever been Shaarav’s favourites and even when he has added several other books to his collection he still comes up to me with this book every now and then. This was one such “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” day where as part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities. We talked about the different life stages of a butterfly. We also made our version of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and also the beautiful butterfly.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet W next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet U for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!
Our son’s name is “Shaarav” which is a Hindu boy’s name meaning “pure and innocent”. His name was chosen for him with very conscious and careful deliberations way before he was even born. I’m sure all parents put in a lot of thought in choosing the perfect name for their kids and, of course, we were no different. But, there’s a very interesting story about choosing the perfect name for Shaarav.
Very early in our pregnancy I asked Mr. Husband to select 5 names of a girl child and 5 names of a boy child and I did the same. While I did an extensive search for the perfect name which not only had to be unique but should also sound good and have a beautiful meaning, Mr. Husband, as usual, wasn’t very diligent in this regard. However, he still came up with 5 names each for a boy and a girl in the nick of time. We were unanimous over the decision that the boy’s name would start with my name’s first letter, that’s S, and the girl’s name would begin with Mr. Husband’s names’s first letter, that’s K. The list of names were then exchanged and we had to strike off 3 names each from each other’s list leaving 2 names each of a girl’s name and a boy’s name. Again, the final set of 4 names each were put to vote among our siblings and the name getting the maximum votes in each category was supposed to be “the chosen name” for our little one. It was interesting and fun, right, the way we involved the family members in choosing the name for our son?
So, just as we chose a special name for our precious child we wanted him too to see and know how special his name was. And so for this very reason, for his 3rd birthday we had ordered a unique personalized colouring storybook for him from “My Name Quest”. Everybody who knows me definitely knows my zeal to add that special personal touch to everything I do making it all the more special and getting this for Shaarav was the best birthday gift I could give to him.
“My Name Quest” is a personalized storybook about Shaarav’s exciting adventure trip of finding his name the alphabets of which go missing suddenly one morning.
If there’s just one thing I needed to teach Shaarav it would be sharing. And I found “One Snowy Night” to be the perfect book to teach Shaarav values of caring, sharing and friendship. This gorgeous wintry tale tells a beautiful story of sharing and makes for a wonderful bedtime story and otherwise too.
“One Snowy Night” is a wonderful and tender touch-and-feel story of adorable little hedgehog and the gift that keeps on giving. On waking up from hibernation, the hedgehog finds himself amidst harsh winter winds that make him shiver in cold. Suddenly, falling from the sky he receives a parcel as a gift with his name on it which happens to be a red woolly bobble hat. But unfortunately, with all the prickles on his back he’s unable to wear it even after stretching it far too big. He finds it too big for him now and decides to pass it on to his friend rabbit who passes it on to the badger who in in turn gives it to the fox. In the whole series of passing and getting passed on it eventually finds its way back to the hedgehog.
What we like about this sweet story book “One Snowy Night” is that it has many instances of the blessings of friendship. It is perfect to teach young kids about love and caring. We also liked the fact that our version had a fuzzy woolly red hat to be touched and felt on almost every page which enhances the tenderness of this magical story making for a fun tactile experience for Shaarav. Another added advantage of this book is its gorgeous and cute illustrations making it an enjoyable read aloud story.
Written by: M. Christina Butler
Illustrated by: Tina Macnaughton
Published by: Little Tiger Press
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 3 to 5
Number of pages: 16
Ratings: 8/10
The story of “One Snowy Night” teaches the kids important lessons of love, friendship, caring and sharing.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet P next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet N for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!
Who doesn’t like a disciplined and well-mannered kid? Well, that’s a little far-fetched thought for a pre-schooler to be well behaved and disciplined at all times, because children are meant to be free-spirited and wild. But, it is never too early to start teaching them to mind their manners from a young age. “Mind Your Manners” is the perfect playful guide to introduce etiquette to little kids in a manner that is both fun and enjoyable. And it never hurts to start teaching them young in a way that it is both fun and easy to understand. “Mind Your Manners” introduces etiquette
“Mind Your Manners” is a book that teaches good manners to young kids. It is as much important to teach the children about good manners as is teaching them alphabets and math. But, it so happens that saying “please” and “thank you” doesn’t come naturally to pre-schoolers as they come to adults and need to be instilled in them.
is a story about the journey of a meek and timid mouse who grows tired of being so little and forgotten his entire life and sets off to find his roar. The humble little mouse who gets walked all over gets fed up of his miserable life and wants to be heard and listened to just like the boastful and pompous lion who is heard and appreciated by everyone in the animal community. The mouse thinks its the roar which makes the lion so celebrated among all the other animals and decides to add a roar to his repertoire. So, he musters up all his courage and confidence and determined to learn how to roar from the very best, he risks being eaten and goes to confront the lion. But what he discovers on meeting the lion is really sublime and awe-inspiring. The mouse discovers that even the tiniest of us has the heart of a lion within only waiting to be discovered. Ultimately, the mouse finds a friend in the remotest possible place he could ever think.
“The Lion Inside” is a perfect book to introduce to kids who lack confidence or courage. It offers a multi-layer of wonderful and important lessons for a child to imbibe. The easy rhythmic flow of the rhyming story with compelling and characterful illustrations are a delight for children and adults alike. The book has a storyline that is easy to follow for children at the same time adding new words to their vocabulary. We like how each story by Rachel Bright is set in a different landscape. While “The Koala Who Could” was set in the Australian outback, “The Lion Inside” is laid out in the African Serengeti. It gives an opportunity to discuss about and learn about different regions and the animals belonging to those places with children.
Written by: Rachel Bright
Illustrated by: Jim Field
Published by: Orchard Books
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 3 to 5
Number of pages: 30
Ratings: 10/10
The story of “The Lion Inside” has been set in a typical African Serengeti with animals which are typical to African savanna such as giraffe, elephant, zebra and wildebeest. So, the child can learn about the animals that belong to and are typical of Africa. The story entails multi layers of emphatically powerful lessons of bravery, courage, friendship and embracing who you are simultaneously making room for improvement in a fun way for little kids to imbibe. Children who are starting school are bound to come across many new situations and experiences which can be challenging for some. This spectacular story about being true to yourself and yet making room for improvements by taking chances and learning new things can not only get you new friends but also bring you closer to yourself. With a humourous touch to convey so many powerful messages subtly we definitely have a big winner and a fast becoming favourite here.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities. For the book related activities, we talked and learned about different animals from the African Serengeti. It was a total blast and we really enjoyed ourselves.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet M next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet K for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!