The Koala Who Could
“The Koala Who Could” is sweet rhyming tale of a shy koala called Kevin who fears to try out new things and is quite happy clinging to the tree and doing the same things day in and day out.

“The Koala Who Could” is a beautifully illustrated delightful book with rhyming text talks about coming out of one’s comfort zone which can be adventurous and fun instead of being scared and stuck. Shaarav, in spite of being a hyperactive never-staying-still pre-schooler, sometimes hesitates to try out new things. He finds things that are known to him easier to stick to than go with exploring new things. So, this book “The Koala Who Could” came out as a winner in our household which talks about overcoming one’s fears and exploring new things.
Shaarav’s aunt stays in Australia and on her visit to India when Shaarav was just about 10 months old, she brought him a talking Koala among other animal soft toys which would repeat everything we would say. We have a habit of naming the soft toys with the first letter of what they are. For example, Ella – the elephant, Cassey – the Cow, Owen – the owl, Toby – the turtle, Dobby – the dog etc. And coincidentally, we named the koala, Kevin. Shaarav, initially, was afraid of it and wouldn’t dare touch it. But later grew so fond of it that it quickly ran out of batteries. So, Kevin the Koala became our indispensable new best friend.
The Koala Who Could
What’s the story?
“The Koala Who Could” is a sweet rhyming tale of a shy koala called Kevin who fears to try out new things and is quite happy clinging to the tree and doing the same things day in and day out. He watched the world below and the other animals called to him to come down but it seemed too scary to him and he found it safe on the tree. Until, one day something unfortunate happens and he’s forced out of his tree only to learn that change which might seem scary in the beginning might not be scary after all, instead, it can be so much fun and full of adventure. The story ends with the wonderful revelation that, quite possibly, the worst thing you can imagine happening just might be the best thing. It is lovely story of how a koala discovers that accepting change in life can lead to big adventures and how he turns from the koala “who couldn’t” to the koala “who could”.
What did we like about it?
This book “The Koala Who Could” has so much to offer and can be used in so many different ways. The book with a brilliant rhyming narrative and a perfectly complimenting bold and vibrant illustrations celebrates optimism and the art of the silver lining in the wake of a disaster. Rachel Bright in her charming fun to read aloud book with fabulously delectable pictures by Jim Field narrates a fantastic inspiring story of adventure amidst a disaster displays a joyous affirmation for my otherwise rambunctious kiddo. We love how the sublime rhymes and rich illustrations attract and appeal to young readers like mine instantly making it a perfect read aloud story with a positive message to learn and inculcate.
Book Details
Written by: Rachel Bright
Illustrated by: Jim Field
Published by: Orchard Books
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 3 to 5
Number of pages: 30
Ratings: 10/10
What’s there for the child to learn?
The story of “The Koala Who Could” has been set in a typical Australian outback with animals which are typical to Australian landscape such as koala, wombat, kangaroo and dingo. So, the child can learn about the animals that belong to and are typical of Australia. The story entails multi layers of emphatically powerful lessons of bravery, courage, friendship and embracing change in a light tone for little kids to imbibe. Children who are starting school are bound to come across many new situations and experiences which can be challenging for some. This brilliant story about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things displays a strong message of encouragement, courage and confidence to explore new situations and circumstances, even when you think it may be scary, when it can be fun and enjoyable. No wonder in a very less time it became our read-aloud favourite and it looks like after Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, we have a new favourite author-illustrator duo.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities. For the book related activities, we talked and learned about different animals from the Australian outback and made a koala mask for pretend play as Kevin. We used chart papers in grey and black and some ribbons to make the make the koala mask. We managed some fun pretend play reading lines from the book and enacting them out. It was a total blast and we really enjoyed ourselves.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet L next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet J for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
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