My Feelings
The illustrations in "My Feelings" are very beautiful and apt and easily draw a child's attention. The book tries to introduce emotions to a child with minimal text and easy to grasp language.

Shaarav is a pre-schooler with very big and strong feelings. He feels different emotions very strongly, be it happiness or anger. So very early, when he was barely a toddler we felt it was time for us to introduce him to labelling his emotions because we very well understand that identifying and labelling feelings is a vital skill that takes lots of practice. And it is very important for a child to recognize and name feelings for developing social-emotional skills. And at the time we found this book “My Feelings” very appropriate to get him acquainted with the basic human emotions.
My Feelings
What’s the story?
“My Feelings” does share any story as such. it has some snippets and actions that we do or should do when we feel a particular feeling.
What did we like about it?
The illustrations in “My Feelings” are very beautiful and apt and easily draw a child’s attention. The book tries to introduce emotions to a child with minimal text and easy to grasp language. What we particular liked about the book is that it also points out some coping mechanisms if a child is feeling scared or shy.
Book Details
Illustrated by: Sarah Jennings
Published by: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book (Tabbed)
Recommended Age: 2 to 5
Number of pages: 14
Ratings: 8/10
What’s there for the child to learn?
Children need to be aware of their emotions for a healthy social and personal skills. With the help of this book “My Feelings” and lots of practice Shaarav is gradually learning to identify his feelings, label them and also channelize or overcome them properly.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet G next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet E from yesterday too for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
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