Love You, Dad
“Love You, Dad” is a sweet and beautifully illustrated book which celebrates fathers and fatherhood and appreciating the role of a father in a child’s life.

Shaarav’s dad and I live in different cities and he visits us once in a week. So, most of the time it’s me solo parenting Shaarav. But unfortunately, because of the current lockdown scenario due to COVID-19 Mr. Husband is unable to come see us. I cannot emphasize enough how much they are missing each other. Shaarav asks me questions that I don’t have answers to. So, for alphabet D we particularly chose the book “Love You, Dad” to show and express their love for each other and strengthen their bond.
Love You, DAD
What’s the story?
“Love You, Dad” is a sweet and beautifully illustrated book which celebrates fathers and fatherhood and appreciating the role of a father in a child’s life. The book pays tribute to all the lovely dads recognizing the little and the big things, the important and the unimportant things, the serious and the funny things they do with and for their kids through animal pictures and befitting captions. “Love You, Dad” features adorable animal photographs from National Geographic of dads with their kids displaying fatherly love at its best. Its moving how each caption perfectly befits the fatherhood emotion that’s so pure and touching.
What did we like about it?
Unlike the mothers, the fathers are expected to be easy going and fun-loving. My pre-schooler adores his Dad and this book gives the perfect excuse to say thank you and express his love for all the things he does for Shaarav. And what better way than to do it with a wonderful book with an amazing collection of cute, brilliant and charming animal portraits of dads and babies with meaningful and fitting comments of thanks Dad. “Love You, Dad” would make a wonderful gift for fathers of all age groups which I’m sure every dad would love to receive.
Book Details
Written by: Melina Gerosa Bellows
Designed by: Melissa Farris and Jonathan Halling
Published by: National Geographic Society
Genre: Nature Picture Book
Book Type: Hardcover
Recommended Age: 0 to 5
Number of pages: 92
Ratings: 8/10
What’s there for the child to learn?
“Love You, Dad” sends across a very powerful message of appreciation. The heartfelt and humorously pithy captions which have been artfully expressed give the child a way of expressing love reminding him the importance of fatherly love.
The vivid and life-like pictures of animals, some common and some not so common, incite talk about their habitats and their babies. Shaarav was very amused with the animals that he had never heard me mention, like armadillos, arousing curiosity and eagerness to learn more about them.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities. Shaarav has been missing his father and is terribly wanting to see him, so this exercise, sort of, helped him. We used this book as an inspiration to prepare “Love You, Dad” cards for Daddy dearest and its needless to say the cards definitely made Mr. Husband emotional. We used two different fun techniques to make the cards. One was finger painting and the other was blow painting and Shaarav enjoyed the activity very much. The cards have turned out really well and we may get them framed to etch these moments in our memories.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet E next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet C from yesterday too for another great review and book related activities. Last year on Father’s Day, we wrote a poem for Daddy Dearest and also made a “I love You Papa” card appreciating his efforts, love and care which you can read here.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!
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