How to Catch a Star
"How to Catch a Star" by Oliver Jeffers is a whimsical story of a boy who loved stars so much that he wanted one of his own, to be his friend and play with.

Young minds are very curious about celestial objects like the sun, the moon and the stars and find them very fascinating. Shaarav’s fascination for the moon and the stars is also immeasurable and knowing this her aunt gifted him this whimsical story of a boy who wanted a star as his friend in “How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers on her recent last visit to India. And, Shaarav couldn’t contain his happiness on getting these books. This young reader of mine has always preferred books over toys.
How to Catch a Star
What’s the story?
“How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers is a whimsical story of a boy who loved stars so much that he wanted one of his own, to be his friend and play with. He devises several plans and tries plenty of ways to catch a star for himself. He’s determined to get one this time and one needs to read the book to if he’s disappointed or actually catches a star.
What did we like about it?
“How to Catch a Star” is a wonderful picture book with minimal text and delightful illustrations. We liked how it invoked the power of imagination in the mind of my curious reader fueling opportunities to talk about stars, moon and spaceship. It makes an ideal book for reading aloud or for early readers and engaging them in educational conversations about the stars and moon and the sun.
Book Details
Written by: Oliver Jeffers
Illustrated by: Oliver Jeffers
Published by: HarperCollin’s Children’s Books
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board Book
Recommended Age: 3 to 7
Number of pages: 30
Ratings: 10/10
What’s there for the child to learn?
The book “How to Catch a Star” is an inspirational story which teaches children of love and determination. It teaches that you can achieve whatever you want if you put your heart and soul in it and continuously work towards achieving it, even a thing as elusive as a star itself. It’s remarkable how it encourages the children to dream. It teaches the children about love and friendship and that you need to love something enough to want to get it. Shaarav loves this book a lot and we’re planning on getting the other books in this series too very soon.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet U next and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet S for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
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