When I laid my eyes on “Sometimes I like to Curl Up in a Ball”, I could not resist myself buying it for Shaarav just for its evocative illustrations, heart-warming charm and visual appeal. This absolutely charming picture book narrates a sweet tale of a little wombat which spends his day gadding about with its animal friends only end up retiring to his most favourite of places to curl up in a ball. With its beautiful rhyme and tone the book invites multitude of interaction opportunities with the children and is sure to entrance and engage young readers and parents alike.
Sometimes I like to Curl Up in a Ball
What’s the story?
“Sometimes I like to Curl Up in a Ball” is a sweet and simple story about an adorable little wombat exploring its favourite things to do during the day. The story gives the semblance of a day’s events of the little wombat and how he ends it with the most favourite thing he loves to do and does best. He jumps, he screams, he races, makes funny faces and gets in a mess. He spends the entire day with his friends doing activities that make him happy and finally at the end of the day he retires to the most cozy of places to curl up in a ball and sleep.
What did we like about it?
“Sometimes I like to Curl Up in a Ball” is a delightful book with an adorable charm and a perfect segue to lights out. It makes for a really good bedtime book for its amusing childlike wonder and I have been honouring Shaarav’s request for reading it to him at night time for several days in a row now. Shaarav immensely enjoys mimicking the antics of little wombat and he feels connected to the images and action-packed life of the little wombat because the story-line is very relatable to his everyday life. And also, because at the end of the day Shaarav needs his mother to sleep peacefully just like the little wombat which likes to curl up in a ball beside its mother.
The text is short, fun and easy to understand and cute illustrations spread which are beautifully across the pages bring the story and the little wombat to life. What we liked most is that the story-line is easy to listen to and understand, the rhythm is lilting and easy to repeat and the motions are simple and easy to follow and mimic. And because of the fun repetitive rhyme and lovable characters injected with motion and humour, “Sometimes I like to Curl Up in a Ball” is definitely to stay on Shaarav’s list of favourite books for a long time.
Book Details
Written by: Vicki Churchill
Illustrated by: Charles Fuge
Published by: Sterling Children’s Books
Genre: Fiction Picture Book
Book Type: Board book (Paperback and Hardcover also available)
Recommended Age: 0 to 5
Number of pages: 20
Ratings: 8/10
What’s there for the child to learn?
“Sometimes I like to Curl Up in a Ball” is a fairly good interactive book and talks about how the wombat does several things in his life not because they make sense but mostly because they are fun and they make it happy and gay. This sweet tale of wombat ignites an insight on the things we like and do because they make us happy and also make us who we are. It also inspires us to go through our day with zest.
As part of the bookish play we decided to have a storytelling session (read aloud) and do some book related activities. We used this book as an inspiration to talk about Shaarav’s likes, dislikes and preferences. We also explored and learned about the things he likes to do and what are the things that make him unique. We also had fun mimicking the endearing little wombat making funny faces, running very fast, sticking out our tongue, jumping up high and screaming as loud as we could.

Altogether, “Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball” is a buoyant and charming book and a perfect addition to one’s bedtime collection. This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. Keep watching the space for our book recommendation for the alphabet D tomorrow and in case you missed our theme reveal for this year’s BlogchatterA2Z challenge you can check it out here. You could also check our book review with alphabet B from yesterday too for another great review and book related activities.
Mrs. Sunshine
If you liked our book review and book related activities and you wish to purchase this book, here’s our affiliate link to the book from Amazon. You could buy this book using our link at no additional cost to you, and at the same time add a small amount towards our efforts motivating us to bring more of such useful content and ideas. BUY IT HERE!!!
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